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Cedars Upper


At Cedars we take your future very seriously and we recognise that every student will have different information, advice and guidance needs. Ofsted recognised our provision, stating the following in their report 'Careers education and guidance is strong. Pupils are able to make informed and successful choices about their future.'

We offer a fantastic careers advice and guidance service,  through the use of our fully qualified Careers Advisors. In addition, we have tailored our careers education provision to give students a variety of skills and a wealth of knowledge.

Cedars Upper School measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through the use of destination data and by using the COMPASS+ tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks. We provide parents and students the opportunity to feedback on the programme and obtain employer feedback after engagement activities. We also work closely with our SEMLEP adviser to gauge the strengths of the careers programme against other schools in the borough and beyond.  Our careers provision will next be reviewed Summer 2025. 

If you have any questions about our Careers Education provision, please contact Mr Dan Stocks, our Careers Leader either by email; dstocks@cedarsupper.co.uk or by telephone on 01525 219300.

Provider Access Statement (The Baker Clause)- Click here

More information on possible career routes please visit: National Careers Service or LMI for All Careerometer | Ideas4Careers 

For parental support please visit Parental Guidance from The Careers Writers Association 

For labour market information please visit: Labour Market Information | Careers Writers Association 

For UCAS support please visit: UCAS 


Careers Programme at Cedars (LINK)