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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Cedars Upper

Admissions Arrangements


  Admissions Arrangements 2025/26

Admission Arrangements 2024/2025

Admission Arrangements 2023

Admission Arrangements 2022


In year admission - Click here

CBC – Admission booklet-  Click here

CBC- Appeals process- Click here

Pupils of all abilities have equal rights to admission through the Trust’s admission policy

Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs

The school will make reasonable adjustment to ensure that students with disabilities are not treated less favourably than other students. 

  • The school will make reasonable adjustment to ensure that students with disabilities are not treated less favourably than other students. 
  • The school will comply with the requirements of the SENDA 2001.
  • The school has 2 lifts and ramp access to all major entrances, with automatic doors. There are also evacuation chairs to assist students with disabilities in the event of an emergency evacuation.
  • Where there are specific needs, the school will ensure students have equal access to all facilities.

The school’s SEN policy is reviewed every two years by the Governing Body.