Student Voice
Student Voice Co-ordinator: Miss Terry
Student Voice plays a significant role in the life and culture of Cedars Upper School. It provides students with the opportunity to work with staff to help create a positive and welcoming community where all members feel listened to.
Student Council
Our Student Council is made up of students from all year groups and meets on a weekly basis to discuss issues raised by the student body. Student Council members have been instrumental in introducing new policies across the school and providing feedback to staff. They have recently been involved with launching environmentally-friendly canteen products, changes to the school reward system and how reporting takes places. Student Council members receive a badge which allows them to skip the canteen queue at break and lunchtimes and there are extra opportunities throughout the year for Student Council members.
Help Week
Help Week is a fantastic opportunity for all students to come together and make a difference for charity. Help Week is led by our Senior Students who are elected in the summer term of Year 12. These students lead the Help Week Committee and plan all the fantastic activities for the whole school to participate in. Three charities are chosen each year by Cedars students to receive the money raised.
Student Interviewers
We have trained over 30 students from all year groups to be Student Interviewers. These students play a key role in the Cedars staff recruitment process and will interview potential members of staff in small groups. The students have undergone training in employment law, including the Equality Act 2010, and the importance of confidentiality.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark
We have recently been awarded the Gold Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark. Part of this work involved students being trained as Equality Ambassadors, curriculum changes led by student voice, and student-led assemblies. The student Equality Ambassadors undertook a day’s training from EqualiTeach to learn about the importance of equality and diversity, the laws that protect people, and what they can do to help promote equality and diversity further at Cedars Upper School. The students worked together to propose whole-school plans to further improve our equality and diversity provision, and many of their ideas can now be seen in action around the school.
Student Newspaper
We have a successful student-led newspaper, the Cedars Chronicle, which is full of student written articles, photography and artwork. Each edition contains competitions for students to enter and win prizes. Student Newspaper